
POWERS motorcycle is over 30 years in Yokohama.
Please contact us for anything about motorcycle.



We service all motorcycles no matter were purchased.

Having trouble with your motorcycle? We offer repair and maintenance services for motorcycles purchased from other stores or from individuals. As possible as parts are available, we will repair and maintain both domestic and foreign motorcycles. Please feel free to contact us first.

We do not accept Kawasaki because parts are not available. We cannot accept newer models that require a specialized tester, some minor brands, out-of-print vehicles, and other models for which parts are difficult to obtain. Also, large trikes and sidecars cannot be accepted due to space limitations. Please understand this.

Please refer to the following for the wages of general repair.

Wage list                                   *Tax is included
Items Details Wage
Oil exchange
Standard oil 1L/1,870 JPY~ ¥1,320 MOTUL, WAKO'S Products oil
Oil filter element
Usually ¥1,980  
In case of there is a cowl or exhaust pipe desortion etc.
Spark plug exchange   ¥1,320  
Headlight bulb exchange Usually  ¥1,320~ In case of when exterior parts desorption is necessary, it depends on model.
Brake pads exchange Front (1caliper) ¥3,960 2 calipers ¥5,280
Rear ¥3,960~  
Brake fluid exchange Front, rear same amount
¥1,980 ¥660 for each additional caliper  
In case of there is a cowl desortion. ¥3,960
Over 250cc scooters ¥2,640
Drive chain exchange No O-ring ¥3,960  
O-ring ¥5,280  
Battery excahnge  If you buy a battery at our shop the exchange fee is free.
Free  If you bring a battery, the exchange wage is ¥1,320. We will dispos the old battery by free.

50-125cc,Scooter,Business Manual transmission type
Front Rear Front Rear
Repair a flat tire
¥1,980 ¥1,980 ¥1,980 ¥1,980
Repair a flat tire
¥3,960 ¥4,620 ¥4,620 ¥5,940
Tire exchange
¥3,300 ¥3,960 ¥4,840 ¥6,050
Tire exchange
¥4,620 ¥5,280 ¥6,050 ¥7,260

* disposal of the waste tires is ~13inch : \440, 14inch~ : \660,

* If you bring your own tires for replacement, the labor cost will be \1,320 per tire in addition to the cost in the table above.

Various credit cards are available for repair payments.

* It cannot be used to purchase for vehicles, parts or insurance. Thank you for your understanding.

We recommend a periodical checking for safe riding your motorcycle.

Periodical checking wage list (Tax included)
Scooter type

  Severe condition
12 months 24 months
50〜125cc ¥6,600 ¥9,900 ¥13,200
126〜250cc ¥8,800 ¥14,300 ¥17,600
251cc〜 ¥13,200 ¥19,800 ¥27,500
Import model
The above×1.2
The above×1.2
The above×1.2

Transmission type
Severe condition
12 months 24 months
50〜125cc ¥6,600 ¥12,100 ¥17,600
126〜250cc ¥8,800 ¥14,300 ¥19,800
251〜 ¥15,400 ¥20,900 ¥27,500
Full cowl, import model
The above×1.2 The above×1.2 The above×1.2
※Fats and oils will be separately charged.
※We treat Taiwanese brands same as Japanese domestic brands.

A severe condition is one in which the usage situation applies to the following.
Sort usage environment Condition of severe condition
 A Running on rough roads (bumpy roads, gravel roads, unpaved roads). An environment in which riding on rough roads is constantly used. (30% of mileage as a guide)
 B Mileage is high
Mileage for 6 months is over 3,000 km.
 C Frequent riding of mountain roads and hoistways. When there are many climbs and downhill, and the number of times the brake is used frequently. (30% of mileage as a guide)
 D Riding with coolant temperature low. One time riding is below 8 km, and there are many riding with the low coolant temperature.

Detailed list of checking contents
Item Part Type        Severe   12months 24months
Engine Spark plug
Air cleaner
Engine oil
Coolant liquid Water cooled
Clutch fluid Hydraulic pressurec clutch
Drive chain Transmission Inspection adjustment lubrication
Inspection cleaning
V belt Scooter
Weight roller
Clutch pulley
Other drive
F,R,tires air check
Steering stem
F,R,brake Disc brake Disassembly check
F,R,brake Drum brake Disassembly check
F,R,brake fluid
F,R,ball bearing※1 desorption checking
The others Light controller
Moving section
Partial tightening
Work required time ※2 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours
※1 At Severe and 12 months checking wheel bearings are checked with the wheels are attached. For 24 months checking takes off the wheels.
※2 Working time is a standard. There is a possibility that the required time may be changed depending on individual vehicle. Also, when ordering replacement parts it may take several days to arrive parts.

● The above table is a guide, actually contents of the work is different depending on the model.

In order to travel on a public road with a motorcycle, it is necessary to undergo a vehicle inspection every two years. Also, necessary the mandatory liability insurance which is cover the period of the vehicle inspection.
Vehicle inspection continuation can be received from 1 month before expiration. If you receive it more than 1 month earlier, the current inspection period will be invalid. In addition, please be careful because it will be illegal to ride on motorcycles that have been expired vehicle inspection or mandatory liability insurance.

When acquiring an automobile inspection, legal fees such as weight tax and inspection stamp will be charged. Please refer the following.

  Vehicle inspection fee table
  Mandatory insurance has the term Mandatory insurance is expired
Mandatory insurance   ¥8,760 (24 months)    ¥8,910 (25 months)  
Weight tax
 ¥3,800  ¥3,800
Inspection stamp  ¥1,800  ¥1,800
Shop fee  ¥22,000  ¥22,000
Total  ¥36,360  ¥36,510
※ The shop fee includes the price of grease, bike wash, document papers etc.
※ If evaluation by the exhaust gas tester is necessary, a fee of 5,500 yen (tax included) may be charged separately.
※ It may be necessary to replace expendable parts such as tires for passing the inspection line.
※ The weight tax is ¥4,600 for 13 years or more from the first registration and ¥5,000 for 18 years or more.

    Change registration with vehicle inspection
Cerification of vehicle inspection reissue (The document loss etc) ¥11,000 
Registration contents change registration (address change etc.) ¥11.000 
Structural change (custom etc) ¥16,500〜
Tax payment certificate reissue (The document loss etc) ¥3,850 
     Tax included

When there is a change in registered contents, it is convenient to do at the same time as acquiring the vehicle inspection. Necessary documents are different depending on the changing contents. Please ask us in advance.

Vehicle inspection acquisition required documents

[1] Vehicle inspection certificate
[2] Mandatory liability insurance certificate
[3] Tax payment certificate (Latest receipt)

※ Tax payment notice will be mailed from the municipal office in which you live every May. The tax payment certificate for continued inspection is attached to that slip and its latest receipt is necessary for taking a new inspection.

If you have replaced the muffler for anything other than genuine, the exhaust gas list is required. The newer models are regulated strictly exhaust gas. If you do not know whether the installed muffler passes the inspection, please consult us in advance.
If you want to take a vehicle inspection while your bike is customized, you need to register "change of structure". Especially when the body size changes greatly, or changed lights such as head lights and turn signal lights attention is required.

Number of days for vehicle inspection

Usually one week, the shortest 3 days. 
If there is no maintenance or replacing by inspection only acquisition, the shortest 2 to 3 days. We respond as much as we can, but we may not be able to respond to the busy season.